SKOPJE BRITISH CEMETERY - CARMELO CASSAR ,,, Англиски воени гробишта Скопје Повеќе »..... moor ».....
Сл.1 Свети Арангел и Михаил Автокоманда Скопје
Country: Macedonia,
Locality: SKOPJE
Location Information: The war cemetery is north-east of the town, 1 kilometre north of the railway station in Bulevar Jugoslavija. It lies adjacent to the church of the Archangel Michael and an accommodation building for the university.
Historical Information: Skopje was captured by the Bugarians in October 1915 and re-entered by French cavalry at the end of September 1918. Skoplje British Cemetery was created after the Armistice when burials were gathered together from Kumanovo British Cemetery, Prilep French Military Cemetery, Veles British and French Military Cemteries and other burial grounds. The great majority of those who died were men of the RASC (MT), who died of influenza after the Armistice with Bulgaria. There are now 124 Commonwealth servicemen buried or commemorated in this cemetery. Six of the burials are unidentified and special memorials commemorate six servicemen buried in Uskub German Cemetery whose graves could not be found.
No. of Identified Casualties: 118
Country: Macedonia,
Locality: SKOPJE
Location Information: The war cemetery is north-east of the town, 1 kilometre north of the railway station in Bulevar Jugoslavija. It lies adjacent to the church of the Archangel Michael and an accommodation building for the university.
Historical Information: Skopje was captured by the Bugarians in October 1915 and re-entered by French cavalry at the end of September 1918. Skoplje British Cemetery was created after the Armistice when burials were gathered together from Kumanovo British Cemetery, Prilep French Military Cemetery, Veles British and French Military Cemteries and other burial grounds. The great majority of those who died were men of the RASC (MT), who died of influenza after the Armistice with Bulgaria. There are now 124 Commonwealth servicemen buried or commemorated in this cemetery. Six of the burials are unidentified and special memorials commemorate six servicemen buried in Uskub German Cemetery whose graves could not be found.
No. of Identified Casualties: 118
сл.2 Англиски воени гробишта Скопје
Initials: C
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: Army Service Corps
Unit Text: 706th M.T. Coy.
Age: 19
Date of Death: 04/11/1918
Service No: M/374154
Additional information: Son of Spiridione and Marianna Cassar, of 163, Sda Reale, Hanirun, Malta.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: D. 8.
- Св. Архангел Михаил Скопје – Храм Славе … Sv. Arhangel Mihail Skopje – Hram Slave … фото и видео сторија …
IN MACEDONIA REGION: - 1.1. Typically, the First World War started in the Balkan area with the Austro-
Hungarian crown prince’s assassination by Serbs nationalists in Sarajevo and the
consequent ultimatum of Austro-Hungary to Serbia. The internationalization of
the war took place in late 1915, when the two opposing parties of the Germans,
Austrians and Bulgarians (Central Powers) on the one side and the French,
British, Serbs, Russians, Italians and Greeks on the other (Entente Cordiale)
came to a conflict in the center of the Balkans and especially in Macedonia,
creating thus the third Front.
1.2. The Macedonian Front was created in October 1915. It was the second attempt
of the Entente troops – the first one took place in February 1915 with an
attack against Dardanelles which led to the slay of the British-French troops – to
break the Front of the Central Powers troops and help Russia, which was receiving
successive blows by the Germans and the Austrians. This Front by no means
shared any of the significance of either the Western or the Eastern Front; while
the course of the operations in the former front left the course of the First World
War completely unaffected. However, it was a front where about 1.000.000
soldiers were caught in and where several lethal combats took place. The most
significant combats of this front aimed at the conquest of the town of Bitola in
western Macedonia, in Kaymakcalan Mountain, in the Lake Doiran district in the
east, and in Skra di Legen in central Macedonia.
1.5. Great Britain from the very first start systematically founded permanent
military cemeteries in the Macedonia region. Anyway as early as the 21st May
1917, by means of a Royal Decree, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
was created for this reason. Great Britain’s policy concerning the founding of
cemeteries was different than that of the other countries. Instead of establishing
big cemeteries, where all the dead soldieres would be gathered, it preferred to
create many smaller ones close to the battlefields and the big military
hospitals.[4] This way, after the truce, the Commission proceeded to the removal
of relics from those temporary cemeteries in order for them to be permanently
buried in new ones. However, the reason why the British had chosen to establish
all their cemeteries within the Greek region of Macedonia remains unknown;
even in the case of the Lake Doiran district, when the crucial battles took place in
a distance of about 15-20 km within the territory of the then Serbia and the Greek
military cemetery as well as the Bulgarian – nowadays ruined – ones, are located
in FYROM close to the villages of Valadovo and Fourka, 20-25 km away from
the borders.
Како дојде до овој пост.
ReplyDeleteИмено одавна се спремав да пуштам пост за Англиските воени гробишта кои нели се наоѓаат во Автокоманда во дворот на Храмот Сцети Арахгел и Михаил – кој старите скопјани го паметат со назив Храм Славе. Имено тој во својот подрум е крипта т.е. таму се собрани коски од дел од војниците кои погинале во првата светска војна на просторите на Македонија.
Во дворот на таа црква се сместени и убаво средените Англиски воени гроништа.
Досега имав пуштено само пост со наслов
Св. Архангел Михаил Скопје – Храм Славе … Sv. Arhangel Mihail Skopje – Hram Slave … фото и видео сторија …
Тој пост на чудесно/магичен начин, преку новата интернет играчка ИНТЕРНЕТ ПРЕВЕДУВАЧОТ – дошол до еден од роднините од 118 британски војници кои се сохранети во рамките на Англиските воени гробишта во Скопје.
Се работи за внук на CARMELO CASSAR кој е еден од 118 тука сохранети. Имено господинот Luigi Cassar Manghi, од Малта пред некој ден ми пушти ваков меил:
Не знам на македонскиот јазик, па затоа се користи Google за превод од англиски јазик.
Почитуван г-дин Volan,
Мојот голем чичко CARMELO CASSAR беше малтешки војник кој умре во 1918 година и бил погребан во британскиот гробишта во Скопје. Од истражувањето знам дека неговиот гроб е референцирани D.8. и мислам дека неговото име CARMELO CASSAR е напишана на гробот. Може да ве молам пратете ми близок до слика на неговиот гроб плоча? Се разбира само ако живеете во непосредна близина. Или дај ми e-mail јавете се на гробишта чувар молам.
Со почит,
Luigi Cassar Manghi, Малта
Dear Mr Volan,
My great uncle CARMELO CASSAR was a Maltese soldier who died in 1918 and was buried in the British Cemetery at Skopje. From research I know that his tomb is referenced D.8. and I think his name CARMELO CASSAR is written on the tomb. Can you please send me a close up photo of his tomb slab? Of course only if you live very near. Or give me the email contact of the cemetery custodian please. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Luigi Cassar Manghi, Malta
Откако разменивме неколку меила, ја услушав неговата молба и така излезе овој пост, кој сеуште ме мачи поради грешка во скриптата, па на крај или на почеток ми јавува грешка – која еве се трудам повеќе од два сата да ја исправам но не ми успева. На крај ке го оставам постот вака.