Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Интелектуална “платформа“ ... ??!

Сликата “” не може да се прикаже бидејќи содржи грешки.

Многу врева дигна вчерашната “округла маса“ на македонските “витези на јавниот збор“ кои меинстрим медиумите ги нарекоа “интелектуаслна елита“ ... која вчера се собра во скопскиот хотел „Александар палас“ ... кој беше таму поканет ?... кој е организатор/иницијатор/финасиер ?... и која им е целта ?...

читај повеќе »

1 comment:

  1. Аматеризам на владините политичари кој резултираше во пропуштена шанса:
    NATO Blames Macedonia For Bid Rejection
    04 April 2008 Bucharest _ Macedonia must bear responsibility for it’s failure to secure an invitation to join NATO, officials from the alliance have told Balkan Insight.
    By Gjeraqina Tuhina in Bucharest

    “Despite all American efforts, the Macedonians did nothing to help their cause,” a senior NATO source told Balkan Insight.

    Macedonia will only receive an invitation to join NATO when its "name" dispute with Greece has been resolved.

    According to some sources, officials in Washington had given “friendly’ advice to Skopje politicians several months ago, suggesting that they change the name of the international airport in Skopje, which was recently given the formal name of “Alexander the Great,” after the famous ancient Macedonian hero.

    “This would have been a sign of goodwill by the Macedonians, and we would then have had something with which to keep up the pressure,” one senior NATO official said.

    However, noting that the airport's name had not been changed he concluded that “they didn’t help us to help them.”
