Monday, March 26, 2007

ДУБАИ и кавадаречкот зет ...

Интересна приказна за Дубаи и кавадаречкиот зет кој преку агенцијата „Парадисе“ - вработува македонци во Дубаи ... Сите на печалба во Дубаи ...

Dubai (in Arabic: دبيّ, Dubayy, /dʊ'baɪ/ in English) refers to either:

Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest emirate by area, after Abu Dhabi. Dubai is distinct from other members of the UAE in that revenues from oil account for only 6% of its gross domestic product. A majority of the emirate's revenues are from the Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZ)[4] and, increasingly, from tourism and other service businesses.

Today, Dubai is an important tourist destination and port (Jebel Ali, constructed in the 1970s, has the largest man-made harbour in the world), but is also increasingly developing as a hub for service industries such as IT and finance, with the new Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC). Transport links are bolstered by its rapidly-expanding Emirates Airline, founded by the government in 1985 and still state-owned; based at Dubai International Airport, it carried over 24 million passengers in fiscal year 2005.

The government has set up industry-specific free zones throughout the city. Dubai Internet City, now combined with Dubai Media City as part of TECOM (Dubai Technology, Electronic Commerce and Media Free Zone Authority) is one such enclave whose members include IT firms such as EMC Corporation, Oracle Corporation, Microsoft, and IBM, and media organisations such as MBC, CNN, Reuters, ARY and AP. Dubai Knowledge Village (KV),an education and training hub, is also set up to complement the Free Zone's other two clusters, Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City, by providing the facilities to train the clusters' future knowledge workers. Dubai Outsourcing Zone is for companies who are involved in outsourcing activities can set up their offices with concessions provided by Dubai Government.

Е сега во овој економски рај наречен Дубаи кавадаречкиот зет носи млади македонци на работа ...
** Егзотичниот Дубаи е најновата светска дестинација на која младите Македонци заминуваат да работат за плата од преку 2.000 евра.
** Главен услов за да се добие работа во Емиратите е доброто познавање на англискиот
** Втор услов е возраста - најмногу до 35 години.
** Најбарани се кадрите со завршена архитектура или дизајн, но работа има и за медицински лица, козметичари, фризери, рецепционери и келнери. Работната виза се добива со гаранција од фирмата што нуди вработување.

Кавадаречкиот зет внесува голема надеж кај младите во тиквешијата ...


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